Balance and Dizziness Disorders

Balance problems my cause distress and falls.  Luckily a well-designed exercise program can alleviate many of the deficits that cause poor balance.

Not all dizziness is vertigo and not all vertigo is BPPV.  Vertigo is a sense of spinning and can be caused by inner ear problems, infections, strokes, brain and nerve issues.  Dizziness is a very broad topic that can mean imbalance, a sense of being lightheaded or woozy and may be caused by many things, some of which physio may alter.  Steve Royes has attended Dizziness and Vestibular Rehabilitation courses in Canada, Victoria and New South Wales and can be part of the management team for your Vestibular Rehabilitation, along with your GP and in complex cases a specialist.

Treatment may include eye exercises, whole body movements, balance tasks or various combinations of these.  It depends on your individual problems and diagnosis.